вторник, 19 апреля 2022 г.

Malaysian Palm Oil Council Russia's Post

Jakarta -The Attorney General's Office ( AGO ) has named the Director General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade (Dirjen PLN of the Ministry of Trade) with the initials IWW as a suspect in the alleged corruption case in granting export facilities for crude palm oil or CPO or cooking oil. He was snared along with 3 other people from the private sector.
Attorney General ST Burhanuddin immediately announced the determination of the suspects. Burhanuddin said the actions of the suspects caused losses to the country's economy.

"The actions of the suspects resulted in state economic losses or resulted in the expensiveness and scarcity of cooking oil so that there was a decrease in household consumption and small industries that use cooking oil and made people's lives difficult," said Burhanuddin at his office, Jalan Sultan Hasanuddin, South Jakarta, Tuesday ( 19/4/2022).

The 3 suspects from the private sector are as follows:

- MPT as Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia
- SMA as Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs for Permata Hijau Group (PHG)
- PT as General Manager in the General Affairs Section of PT Musim Mas

Director General of Trade of the Ministry of Trade Examined as Witness Regarding CPO Export Case
According to Burhanuddin, initially at the end of 2021 there was a scarcity and increase in the price of cooking oil in the market, which prompted the government through the Ministry of Trade to take a policy to establish DMO or domestic market obligation and DPO or domestic price obligation for companies wishing to export CPO and its derivative products. In addition, the Ministry of Trade sets the highest retail price (HET) for palm cooking oil.

"In practice, exporting companies do not meet the DPO but still get export approval from the government," said Burhanuddin.

The Attorney General's Office investigated the case which later named the 4 suspects. The suspects are suspected of violating Article 54 paragraph (1) letter a and paragraph (2) letters a, b, e, and f of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade.

In addition, the suspects are suspected of violating the Decree of the Minister of Trade Number 129 of 2022 in conjunction with Number 170 of 2022 concerning Determination of Amounts for Distribution of Domestic Market Obligations and Domestic Price Bonds and the provisions of Chapter II Letter A number (1) letter b, juncto Chapter II letter C number 4 letter c Regulation of the Director General of Foreign Trade Number 02/DAGLU/PER/1/2022 concerning technical guidelines for implementing policies and regulations for exporting CPO, RDB Palm Olein and UCO.

The Attorney General's Office Examines 4 Verifier Members of the Ministry of Trade Regarding CPO Export Cases
Burhanuddin said the suspects were suspected of committing legal acts, as follows:

1. There is an agreement between the applicant and the licensee in the process of issuing export approvals;
2. Issuance of export approvals to exporters whose licenses should have been refused because they did not meet the requirements, namely
a. Distributing CPO or RBD Palm Olein is not in accordance with the domestic sales price (DPO);
b. Not distributing CPO and RBD Palm Olein domestically as required in the DMO (20% of total exports).

Situation in the case of the export of cooking oil snares the Director General of the Ministry of Trade as a suspect
cooking oil export
cooking oil mafia case
cooking oil mafia
Ministry of Trade
attorney General's Office
expensive cooking oil
rare cooking oil
director general of foreign trade
By: via Malaysian Palm Oil Council Russia

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